(scan the code above for a secret message from Kasim)
So many of our kids have been intrigued & inspired by our recent QR Code adventures! Don't believe me?
One of our ace MHTV Reporters, 7th grader Kasim, on his own found this fascinating article & wrote a news story on it for our show today & he's our guest blogger!
Mega Introduces Mobile Technology
"In 2011 Mega Bloks will launch new QR codes on its product packaging and print advertising. Spanning its boys and collectors’ portfolio, the codes will first appear on Dragons Universe, Halo and the new Blok Squad range, and will then be rolled out to additional ranges.
The QR (quick response) codes allow consumers to instantly view product information, images, videos and instructions on a mobile page. This can be achieved by downloading a QR Code reader on a smart phone, which can then read the QR code on pack or in print.
In addition to new QR technology, Mega plans to refresh its microsites with a number of new innovative features. Kids will be able to view new 360° rotating product views, which explode showcasing the product build." - by Katie Roberts
In touch with one of the latest trends in media, Mega will also be introducing 30-second product videos onto its product pages bringing all the features of the product to life.
Here at MHMS we are planning to use these QR codes to send URLs and many other texts to use for educational purpose - Kasim
Source: Mega introduces mobile technology
Thank you Kasim! AWEsome job! I'm so tickled pink & proud of you!
In writing this post Kasim utilized maz technology integration skillz by using Google docs, Kaywa QR Code generator, & daring-do! Way to go!
Since our students can't have their phones turned on during school, they wouldn't be able to do this. But I still have a film strip projector if the need ever arises!
Don't get stopped by the Abominable NoMan! Ask Admin for permission for a QR Code enriched lesson or send home permission slips! Letting the "rules" stop us from innovative teaching robs our students experiences with out of the box thinking!
~Gwyneth Jones
I agree Ms. Jones, even though we aren't supposed to bring phones ( I don't!)Learning about new and updated technology in media is how many family's, (who are technologically challenged) learn about different aspects of technology.
Dear Bookgal,
As always I love your AWEsome comments. You are sucha smart chickie!
I really think the smartphone is the NEW home computer or laptop in the hands of today's & tomorrow's learners. To have a rule that this affordable, portable, & effective learning tool is off limits - limits educational opportunities. [grins] Sorry, my Librarian is showing!
I <3 your librarian. I <3 the i phone, and it also has education and helpful apps, like a math app, price scanner,and a prep driving test app. It also serves as a fun item when class is at a stand still and there is no busywork. I say that the school board should change the rules in all schools so you can benefit the common good of schools and students. I wonder if you could show it on a projector, which is limited use but if rules don't change is a good bottom line. ON ANOTHER NOTE I'M MAKING A MONTAGUE! Fun, fun fun. Chow it! ( Chow means eat supposedly? I thought it meant bye?) Anyway byye.
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