News@School Live!YAY!'s a new year and i'm so excited to see all the new kids coming to MHMS!!...Welcome 6th graders AND welcome to any transferring 7th and 8th graders.
MHTV is advertising for applications for the new crew NEXT week in all the lunches...check out the stage steps for your app & make sure to get yours! a big part of the interview process of hiring new MHTV crew is did the student listen and follow directions as given on the MHTV show. did the student follow directions, fill out the application fully, get a parent and teacher signature, and turn it in on time? these are all things we examine before we choose which kids to audition. last year we had almost 100 kids working with's a vital part of the murray hill middle school community. how do we do the TV show every day and how is it a best practice of technology integration? check out our
News@School Live! check it out!
NEW Books in the Media Center!we always try and have the latest hot book or series for you our dear customer! and we have the 4th of the
Twilight Series ...
Breaking Dawn...!!
Twilight fans.....Ok, you's killin me! i haven't read it yet because as SOON as i got it from Amazon ....all 4 copies! i turned them back around and had Mrs. Black quicky send them to get processed so YOU could check them out! it was Soooo tempting!! i think i may have to just break down and buy my own copy...but you know how i like using the library but the HCL waiting list for Breaking Dawn is still at 10+. so if you haven't read it yet...we've got them!~'s a pic from the movie! i'm sorry...i'm a Jacob fan....readers...COMMENT Bella a Mary Sue?
don't know what that means? here....a Non-Twilight fan friend of mine wrote in their blog recently
"And to all the Twilight fans, educate yourselves on Mary Sues. Bella is a Mary Sue, Edward is a Gary Sue. It's Mary Sue land I tell you! [link] Read Wiki's article. And understand the concept."sounds harsh, right? i hate to say it but i see some truth in it and Mrs. Singleton and the book club and i will be talking about Marysues and fanfiction this year! we may even blog or wiki about it
...but Twilight series? it's still a good read!!!...the movie coming out around Thanksgiving sounds good, too!
And have you heard? Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has been delayed!
"Warner Bros. Pictures today announced that it has moved back the release date of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” to Summer 2009. The sixth installment of the blockbuster Harry Potter franchise will now open day-and-date domestically and in the major international markets on July 17, 2009. The announcement was made by Alan Horn, President and Chief Operating Officer, Warner Bros. In making the announcement, Mr. Horn stated, “Our reasons for shifting ‘Half-Blood Prince’ to summer are twofold: we know the summer season is an ideal window for a family tent pole release, as proven by the success of our last Harry Potter film, which is the second-highest grossing film in the franchise, behind only the first installment."
My theory is that it has something to do with that Warner has no big tentpole movie next summer after Justice League fell apart. Oh and the
Stephenie Meyers blog says it's NOT Twilight's fault!
***August 15, 2008***
Movie News Flash!
So, many of you have heard that the release of the sixth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, has been moved from this Thanksgiving to next summer. First and foremost, please know that this schedule change has absolutely nothing to do with Twilight, me, or Summit Films (so enough with the imdb death wishes, okay?). This is Warner Bros. decision, and it was not motivated by anything Twilight-related.
Now for the good news! Though we're all sad to have to wait for Harry Potter, this open spot at the theater creates a cool opportunity. The good people at Summit were thrilled to let me know that now Twilight fans are going to get their movie three weeks earlier than scheduled. That's right—Twilight will be released in theaters November 21st! Let the merry-making commence!
Whatever, i want both! Twilight and the Harry Potter movie!! and the sooner the better!~
~Ms. Jones
Ok..... comments peeps! you know we like comments!!!